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The order management API lets you place a new order, cancel or modify the pending order, retrieve the order status, trade status, order book & tradebook.

Type Apis Details
POST od-rest/orders/execute Place a new order
POST od-rest/orders/modify Modify a pending order
POST od-rest/orders/cancel Cancel a pending order
POST od-rest/orders/getmargin Get order margin
GET od-rest/info/orderbook Retrieve the list of all orders for the day
GET od-rest/info/tradebook Retrieve the list of all trades for the day
POST od-rest/info/history Get order history

Place Order

Request Structure

        "exchange": "NSE",
        "tradingSymbol": "ZOMATO-EQ",
        "qty": "1",
        "price": "52",
        "product": "MIS",
        "transType": "B",
        "priceType": "L",
        "orderType" :"Regular",
        "ret": "DAY",
        "triggerPrice": "",
        "disclosedQty": "",
        "mktProtection": "",
        "target": "",
        "stopLoss": "",
        "trailingPrice": ""
        "Remarks": "regular"

Input parameters

Field Type Description
exchange String Name of the exchange (NSE, NFO, CDS, MCX)
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
price String The price to execute the order
product String Product code (MIS , CNC , NRML)
transType String BUY or SELL (B,s)
priceType String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)
orderType String Ordertypes(Regular,cover,Bracket)
ret String Retention type (from LoadRetentionType rest api).These orders state the system to keep the orders pending until the market price reaches the specified limit order price. The various retention orders are: Day or End of Session Order: This is the most commonly used retention type
source String Source or platform through which the order was placed (API, WEB, MOB)
triggerPrice String The price at which an order should be triggered (SL, SL-M)
disclosedQty String Quantity to be disclosed (may be different from actual quantity) to the public exchange orderbook. Only for equitie
mktProtection String A market-with-protection order cancels an order to buy or sell stock or other assets and re-submits it as a limit order. A broker might submit a market-with-protection order if the price of the stock has moved unexpectedly and dramatically since the market order was placed
target String Target Price is a limit that is the best possible outcome for the stockholder's investment
stopLoss String Stop Loss to minimise the loss in a trade
trailingPrice String A trailing stop loss order adjusts the stop price at a fixed percent or number of points below or above the market price of a stock
remarks String Additional remarks for the order

Response Structure

        "status": "Ok",
        "message": "Success",
        "result": [
                "requestTime": "12:57:31 15-11-2023",
                "orderNo": "23111500003840"


Field Type Description
requestTime String Time when the request was made
orderNo String Unique number code of an order

Modify Order

Using this API one can modify pending order in orderbook. The variables that can be modified are price, quantity, order type & validity. The user has to mention the desired value in fields.

Request Structure

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "tradingSymbol": "ZOMATO-EQ",
    "orderNo": "23060200005839",
    "ret": "DAY",
    "priceType": "MKT",
    "transType": "B",
    "price": "0",
    "triggerPrice": "",
    "disclosedQty": "",
    "mktProtection": "",
    "target": "",
    "stopLoss": "",
    "trailingPrice": ""


Field Type Description
exchange String Name of the exchange (NSE, NFO, CDS, MCX)
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
orderNo String Unique number code of an order
price String The price to execute the order
transType String BUY or SELL
priceType String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)
orderType String Ordertypes(MIS,CNC,NRML)
triggerPrice String The price at which an order should be triggered (SL, SL-M)
disclosedQty String Quantity to be disclosed (may be different from actual quantity) to the public exchange orderbook. Only for equitie
mktProtection String A market-with-protection order cancels an order to buy or sell stock or other assets and re-submits it as a limit order. A broker might submit a market-with-protection order if the price of the stock has moved unexpectedly and dramatically since the market order was placed
target String Target Price is a limit that is the best possible outcome for the stockholder's investment
stopLoss String Stop Loss to minimise the loss in a trade
trailingPrice String A trailing stop loss order adjusts the stop price at a fixed percent or number of points below or above the market price of a stock

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "requestTime": "13:12:28 15-11-2023",
            "orderNo": "23111500003987"


Field Type Description
requestTime String Time when the request was made
orderNo String Unique number code of an order

Cancel Order

Users can cancel a pending order in the orderbook using the order id of an order. There is no body for request and response for this call.

Request Structure

        "orderNo": "23112300006393"
Field Type Description
orderNo String Unique number code of an order

Response Structure

        "status": "Ok",
        "message": "Success",
        "result": [
                "requestTime": "17:00:40 02-06-2023",
                "orderNo": "23060200005839"


Field Type Description
requestTime String Time when the request was made
orderNo String Unique number code of an order

Get Margin

Request Structure

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "tradingSymbol": "ZOMATO-EQ",
    "qty": "1",
    "price": "0",
    "product": "MIS",
    "transType": "B",
    "priceType": "MKT",
    "orderType": "Regular",


Field Type Description
exchange String Name of the exchange (NSE, NFO, CDS, MCX)
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
price String Price at which main leg of bracket order will be placed
product String Product code (MIS or CNC or NRML)
tranType String Buy and Sell
priceType String Price type(L or MKT or SL or SL-M)
orderType" String Ordertypes(MIS,CNC,NRML)
triggerPrice String The price at which an order should be triggered (SL, SL-M)
stopLoss String Stop Loss to minimise the loss in a trade

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "remarks": "Insufficient Balance",
            "marginUsed": 0.0,
            "openingBalance": 0.0,
            "requiredMargin": 3.69,
            "availableMargin": 0.0,
            "marginShortfall": 3.69


Field Type Description
remarks String Note related to the order
marginUsed String Total margin utilized, with its interpretation varying based on the remarks
openingBalance String Amount in the account
requiredMargin String Margin amount required for the orde
availableMargin String Remaining margin available after accounting for all factors
marginShortfall String Difference between the required margin and available margin

Fetch Order Book

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "orderNo": "23111500003987",
            "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId":  "<ACT_ID>",
            "exchange": "NSE",
            "tradingSymbol": "IDEA-EQ",
            "qty": "1",
            "transType": "B",
            "ret": "DAY",
            "token": "14366",
            "multiplier": "1",
            "lotSize": "1",
            "tickSize": "0.05",
            "price": "0.00",
            "avgTradePrice": null,
            "disclosedQty": "3",
            "product": "MIS",
            "priceType": "MKT",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "orderStatus": "REJECTED",
            "fillShares": "0",
            "exchUpdateTime": null,
            "exchOrderId": null,
            "formattedInsName": "IDEA-EQ",
            "ltp": null,
            "rejectedReason": "SAF:order is not open to cancel",
            "triggerPrice": null,
            "mktProtection": null,
            "target": null,
            "stopLoss": null,
            "trailingPrice": null,
            "snoOrderNumber": null,
            "snoFillid": null,
            "orderTime": "13:14:55 15-11-2023",
            "rprice": "0.00",
            "rqty": "0"


Field Type Description
orderNo String Order Number is defined as Unique number it can be generated while placing the order
userId String The unique, permanent user ID registered with the broker
actId String The unique, permanent user ID registered with the broker
exchange String Exchange (NSE or NFO or MCX)
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
tranType String Buy and Sell
ret String Retention type (from LoadRetentionType rest api).These orders state the system to keep the orders pending until the market price reaches the specified limit order price. The various retention orders are: Day or End of Session Order: This is the most commonly used retention type
token String Token of the scrip. Token Number is a unique code given to all companies listed on the exchange. Selected Instrument token number will be displayed under scrip details
priceType String Price type(L or MKT or SL or SL-M)
ret String Retention type (from LoadRetentionType rest api).These orders state the system to keep the orders pending until the market price reaches the specified limit order price. The various retention orders are: Day or End of Session Order: This is the most commonly used retention type
multiplier String The Multiplier Of Scrip
lotSize String Quantity of a single lot
tickSize String Ticker Size Of The Scrip (in paisa).Tick size is the minimum price change between different bid and offer prices of an asset traded on an exchange platform
price String Price at which main leg of bracket order will be placed
avgTradePrice String Average Trade price
disclosedQty String Quantity to be disclosed (may be different from actual quantity) to the public exchange orderbook
product String Product code (MIS or CNC or NRML)
priceType String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)
orderType String Ordertypes(MIS,CNC,NRML)
orderStatus String Indicates the current status or condition of the order within the system or exchange.
fillShares String The Number of shares got filled
exchUpdateTime String Timestamp indicating the last update time from the exchange
exchOrderId String Unique identifier assigned by the exchange for the order
formattedInsName String Formatted name of the financial instrument or asset.
ltp String Last trade price of the scrip. The price at which the final trade happens between a buyer and a seller
rejectedReason String Rejection Reason for the order will be displayed
triggerPrice String New trigger price in case of SL-MKT or SL-LMT
mktProtection String A market-with-protection order cancels an order to buy or sell stock or other assets and re-submits it as a limit order. A broker might submit a market-with-protection order if the price of the stock has moved unexpectedly and dramatically since the market order was placed.
target String Target Price is a limit that is the best possible outcome for the stockholder's investment.
stopLoss String Predefined price level set to limit potential losses on an order
trailingPrice String Trailing Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
snoOrderNumber String Unique identifier assigned by the system for the order
snoFillid String Unique identifier assigned by the system for the filled order
OrderTime String Timestamp indicating when the order was placed
rPrice String Reference or reserved price associated with the order
rQty String Reference or reserved quantity associated with the order

Fetch Trade Book

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "orderNo": "23061200004704",
            "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId": "<ACT_ID>",
            "exchange": "NSE",
            "ret": "DAY",
            "product": "MIS",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "priceType": "MKT",
            "fillId": "79689595",
            "fillTime": "12-06-2023 15:15:49",
            "transType": "S",
            "tradingSymbol": "SBIN-EQ",
            "qty": "2",
            "token": "3045",
            "fillshares": "2",
            "fillqty": "2",
            "pricePrecision": "2",
            "lotSize": "1",
            "tickSize": "0.05",
            "price": "0.00",
            "prcftr": "1.000000",
            "fillprc": "578.40",
            "exchUpdateTime": "12-06-2023 15:15:49",
            "exchOrderId": "1300000022510042",
            "formattedInsName": "SBIN-EQ",
            "ltp": null,
            "orderTime": "15:15:49 12-06-2023"


Field Type Description
orderNo String Order Number is defined as Unique number it can be generated while placing the order
userId String The unique, permanent user ID registered
actId String The unique, permanent act ID registered
exchange String Exchange (NSE or NFO or MCX)
ret String Retention type (from LoadRetentionType rest api).These orders state the system to keep the orders pending until the market price reaches the specified limit order price. The various retention orders are: Day or End of Session Order: This is the most commonly used retention type
product String Product code (MIS or CNC or NRML)
orderType String Ordertypes(MIS,CNC,NRML)
priceType String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)
fillID String Unique identifier for the filled order
fillTime String Timestamp indicating when the order was filled
tranType String Buy and Sell
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
token String Token of the scrip. Token Number is a unique code given to all companies listed on the exchange. Selected Instrument token number will be displayed under scrip details
fillShares String The Number of shares got filled
fillqty String Quantity filled from the order
pricePrecision String Level of detail
lotSize String Quantity of a single lot
tickSize String Ticker Size Of The Scrip (in paisa).Tick size is the minimum price change between different bid and offer prices of an asset traded on an exchange platform
price String Price at which main leg of bracket order will be placed
fillprc String Price at which the order was filled
exchUpdateTime String Timestamp related to exchange order updates
exchOrderId String Identifier assigned by the exchange for the order
formattedInsName String Formatted name of the instrument
ltp String Last trade price of the scrip. The price at which the final trade happens between a buyer and a seller
OrderTime String Timestamp indicating when the order was placed

Order History

Request Structure

   "userId": "<USER_ID>",
   "orderNo": "23060600006062"

Input parameters

Field Type Description
userId String The unique, permanent user ID registered with the broker
orderNo String Order Number is defined as Unique number it can be generated while placing the order

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "orderNo": "23111500004681",
            "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId":  "<ACT_ID>",
            "exchange": "NSE",
            "tradingSymbol": "IDEA-EQ",
            "quantity": "1",
            "transType": "B",
            "priceType": "MKT",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "ret": "DAY",
            "token": "14366",
            "pricePrecision": "2",
            "lotSize": "1",
            "tickSize": "0.05",
            "price": "0.00",
            "avgPrice": null,
            "disclosedQty": "3",
            "product": "MIS",
            "status": "REJECTED",
            "report": "Rejected",
            "fillshares": "0",
            "time": "13:44:17 15-11-2023",
            "exchTime": null,
            "remarks": null,
            "exchOrderNo": null
            "orderNo": "23111500004681",
            "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId":  "<ACT_ID>",
            "exchange": "NSE",
            "tradingSymbol": "IDEA-EQ",
            "quantity": "1",
            "transType": "B",
            "priceType": "MKT",
            "orderType": "Regular",
            "ret": "DAY",
            "token": "14366",
            "pricePrecision": "2",
            "lotSize": "1",
            "tickSize": "0.05",
            "price": "0.00",
            "avgPrice": null,
            "disclosedQty": "3",
            "product": "MIS",
            "status": "PENDING",
            "report": "NewAck",
            "fillshares": "0",
            "time": "13:44:17 15-11-2023",
            "exchTime": null,
            "remarks": null,
            "exchOrderNo": null


Field Type Description
orderNo String Order Number is defined as Unique number it can be generated while placing the order
userId String The unique, permanent user ID registered
actId String The unique, permanent act Id registered
exchange String Exchange Segments
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
quantity String Quantity to transact
priceType String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)
ret String Retention type (from LoadRetentionType rest api).These orders state the system to keep the orders pending until the market price reaches the specified limit order price. The various retention orders are: Day or End of Session Order: This is the most commonly used retention type
token String Token of the scrip. Token Number is a unique code given to all companies listed on the exchange. Selected Instrument token number will be displayed under scrip details
pricePrecision String Level of details
lotSize String Quantity of a single lot
tickSize String Ticker Size Of The Scrip (in paisa).Tick size is the minimum price change between different bid and offer prices of an asset traded on an exchange platform
price String Price at which main leg of bracket order will be placed
avgPrice String Average price of the order
disclosedQty String Quantity to be disclosed (may be different from actual quantity) to the public exchange orderbook. Only for equitie
product String Product code (MIS or CNC or NRML)
status String Condition of the order
fillshares String The Number of shares got filled
time String Timestamp indicating a specific time related to the order
exchTime String Exchange-specific timestamp
exchOrderNo String exchOrderNo (Exchange Order Number)