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This API lets you retrieve holdings and positions in your portfolio.

Method Api Detail
GET ho-rest/holdings Retrieve the list of long term equity holdings
GET po-rest/positions Retrieve the list of short term positions
POST po-rest/positions/conversion. Convert intraday to long term or long term to intraday


Holdings contain the long term equity Holdings of the customer. All the financial instruments in the holdings reside in the customer’s DEMAT account indefinitely until its sold or is delisted or changed by the exchanges. Changes to DEMAT account is settled in T+1 days.

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "poa": false,
            "product": "CNC",
            "holdings": [
                    "isin": "INE669E01016",
                    "realizedPnl": "0.0",
                    "unrealizedPnl": "-236.09999",
                    "netPnl": "-236.09999",
                    "netQty": "30",
                    "buyPrice": "7.87",
                    "holdQty": "30",
                    "dpQty": "0",
                    "benQty": "0",
                    "unpledgedQty": "0",
                    "collateralQty": "0",
                    "brkCollQty": "0",
                    "btstQty": "0",
                    "usedQty": "0",
                    "tradedQty": "0",
                    "sellableQty": "30",
                    "authQty": "0",
                    "sellAmount": "0.0",
                    "authFlag": false,
                    "symbol": [
                            "exchange": "NSE",
                            "token": "14366",
                            "tradingSymbol": "IDEA-EQ",
                            "pdc": "13.95",
                            "ltp": "13.95"
                            "exchange": "NFO",
                            "token": "532822",
                            "tradingSymbol": "IDEA",
                            "pdc": "0",
                            "ltp": "0"


Field Type Description
isin String International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for the asset
realizedPnl String profit or loss realized from transactions
unrealizedPnl String Potential profit or loss
netPnl String Overall net profit or loss
netQty String Net quantity of the asset held
buyPrice String Price at which the asset was acquired
holdQty String Total quantity of the asset held
dpQty String Dematerialized quantity of the asset
benQty String Actual quantity of the asset
unpledgedQty String Quantity of the asset that is not pledged as collateral
collateralQty String Quantity of the asset held as collateral
brkCollQty String Brokerage-related collateral quantity
btstQty String Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow quantity
usedQty String Quantity of the asset used in any transactions
tradedQty String Total quantity of the asset traded
sellableQty String Quantity of the asset available for sale
authQty String Approved quantity for specific actions
authFlag String Authorization flag
sellAmount String Total amount from selling the asset
Symbol Array List of symbols associated with the asset
exchange String Exchange where the asset is traded
token String Token identifier for the asset
tradingSymbol String Trading symbol
pdc String Previous day close price
ltp String Last traded price of the asset


Users can retrieve a list of all open positions for the day. This includes all F&O carryforward positions as well.

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "success",
    "result": [
            "formattedInsName": "JPYINR 13JAN23 FUT",
            "tradingSymbol": "JPYINR13JAN23F",
            "exchange": "CDS",
            "segment": "cde_fo",
            "token": "11771",
            "product": "M",
            "netQty": "-2",
            "netBuyQty": "0",
            "netBuyAvgPrice": "0.0",
            "netBuyAvg": "NaN",
            "netBuyValue": "0.0",
            "netSellQty": "2",
            "netSellAvgPrice": "63.5675",
            "netSellAvg": "63567.5",
            "netSellValue": "127135.0",
            "averagePrice": "63.5675",
            "ltp": "61.6750",
            "pnl": "0.00",
            "mtm": "",
            "pdc": "61.67",
            "realizedpnl": "0.0",
            "unrealizedpnl": "3785.00",
            "multiplier": "1000",
            "lotSize": null,
            "tickSize": null


Field Type Description
formattedInsName String User specific identification generated by pocket
tradingSymbol String Refer Trading Symbol in Tables
exchange String Exchange standard id for each scrip
segment String Position Type
token String Exchange & Segment
product String Product type
netQty float Average buy price
netBuyQty int Total quantity bought
netBuyAvgPrice String Net average purchase price per unit considering all buy transactions
netBuyAvg String Net average quantity purchased
netBuyValue String Total value of all buy transactions
netSellQty String Net quantity of the asset sold
netSellAvgPrice String Net average selling price per unit considering all sell transactions
netSellAvg String Net average quantity sold
netSellValue String Total value of all sell transactions
averagePrice String Overall average price of the asset, considering both buy and sell transactions
ltp String Last traded price of the asset
pnl String Overall profit
mtm String Mark-to-market value of the position
pdc String Previous day close price
realizedpnl String profit or loss realized from transactions
unrealizedpnl String Potential profit or loss
multiplier String Multiplier or factor used for the position, if applicable
lotSize Null Quantity of a single lot
tickSize String Ticker Size Of The Scrip (in paisa).Tick size is the minimum price change between different bid and offer prices of an asset traded on an exchange platform

Convert Position

Users can convert their open position from intraday to delivery.

Request Structure

    "exchange": "NSE",
    "tradingSymbol": "ABB-EQ",
    "qty": "2",
    "product": "CNC",
    "prevProduct": "MIS",
    "transType": "B",
    "posType": "DAY",
    "orderSource": "WEB"


Field Type Description
exchange String Name of the exchange (NSE, NFO, CDS, MCX)
tradingSymbol String Exchange tradingsymbol of the of the instrument
qty String Quantity to transact
product String Product code (MIS or CNC or NRML)
prevProduct String Previous product type or category for the transaction
transType String BUY or SELL (B,s)
posType String Position type, indicating the duration or nature of the position
orderSource String Source or platform through which the order was placed

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": []