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Type Apis Details
GET client-rest/api/profile/getclientdetails To get a clientdetails
GET funds-rest/funds/limits Get available funds


While a successful token exchange returns the full user profile, it's possible to retrieve it any point of time with the /user/profile API. Do note that the profile API does not return any of the tokens.

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "userId": "<USER_ID>",
            "actId":  "<ACT_ID>",
            "clientName": "A****h,
            "actStatus": "Activated",
            "createdDate": "0",
            "createdTime": "0",
            "mobNo": "123******0",
            "email": "Ab****",
            "pan": "*******76N",
            "address": "AA",
            "officeAddress": "",
            "city": "",
            "state": "",
            "mandateIdList": [],
            "exchange": [
            "bankdetails": [
                    "bankName": "Bank Name",
                    "accNumber": "*********1234"
            "dpAccountNumber": [
                    "dpAccountNumber": "1209280000001234"
            "orders": [
            "branchId": "OLVR",
            "brokerName": "SKY",
            "products": [
            "productTypes": [
            "orderTypes": null,
            "priceTypes": [


Field Type Description
userId String The unique, permanent user ID registered
actId String The unique, permanent actId registered
clientName String Name of the client in the system
actStatus String Status of the account
createdDate String Date the record was created
createdTime String Time the record was created
mobNo String Mobile number associated with the client
email String Email address of the client
pan String PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the client
address String Residential address of the client
officeAddress String Office address of the client
city String City where the client resides or operates
state String State where the client resides or operates
mandateIdList String List of mandate IDs associated with the client
exchange List List of segments enabled for client
bankdetails String Account holder Bank Details like Bank address, bank account number, bank name
dpAccountNumber String Account number related to the Depository Participant
orders String List or details of client's orders
branchId String Identification code for the branch associated
brokerName String Name of the broker or brokerage firm
products String List or details of products offered or associated
productTypes String Types or categories of products
orderTypes String Different classifications or types of orders
priceTypes String PriceType (L, MKt , SL , SL-M)


Get all information of your trading account like balance, margin utilised, collateral, etc.

Response Structure

    "status": "Ok",
    "message": "Success",
    "result": [
            "availableMargin": 0.0,
            "openingBalance": -304.0,
            "marginUsed": 0.0,
            "payin": 0.0,
            "stockPledge": 0.0,
            "holdingSellCredit": 0.0,
            "brokerage": 0.0,
            "exposure": 0.0,
            "span": 0.0,
            "premium": 0.0,
            "unclearedCash": 304.0,
            "payout": 0.0


Field Type Description
availableMargin Int Account Holder's Available Margin
openingBalance Int Account Holder's Opening Balance
marginUsed Int Account Holder's Margin Used
payin Int Payin is the funds transferred by the customer from his bank account Into his trading account
stockPledge Int Amount or value pledged against stocks
holdingSellCredit Int Credit amount related to holdings set for sale
brokerage Int Commission or fee charged by the broker
exposure Int The exposure margin is charged over and above the SPAN margin, and is usually done so at the discretion of the broker
span Int SPAN determines margin requirements based on a global assessment of the one-day risk for a trader's account
premium Int The additional money that investors agree to pay to own a stock